Friday, May 8, 2009

And finally... Happy Graduation

The long awaited day finally came! And it started early... 8am to be exact! Here is me and Nate before it all began!

And here we are with the Fam afterward! Thanks mom and dad for everything (and Trist for coming along!)
First pair of high heels!

For graduation I bought my first pair of high heels, probably not the smartest idea! My feet were killing me... and I didn't get a whole lot of time to practice walking in them!
A close up!

But lucky for me I didn't stumble, trip and fall flat on my face when walking across the stage... you can even see for your self!

Here I am waiting for my moment of glory...
And here goes nothing...
So far so good... just a little further to go!
and safely back in my seat, thank goodness!
I seriously got so nervous! I told the guy in front of me, "if I trip and fall, I'm taking you down with me... just so you know"!!

After the ceremony we ran into Elder John H. Groberg, from "The Other Side of Heaven"! We had to snap a picture! Here is Cristina, Elder Groberg, Melissa and me.

Eric, Laura, their boys and Kapu were all there, thanks for cheering for me when my name was called... I was hoping it wouldn't be quiet! :)
me and Cristina, before it all started!

The day before the convocation we had commencement, which I wasn't planning on going to until some friends talked me into it and I figured sense the parents were coming I might as well go all out! Elder Deiter F. Uchtdor and Elder Russell M. Nelson spoke, here they are in a picture Melissa took. All the graduates got to "march" right by them before going into the Marriott center.

Cristina and me on our little "march" into the Marriott Center

And then sitting patiently waiting for the meeting to start! It was so hot in there.
Cristina, me and Melissa
We did it!

Mom, Dad and Trist drove into town just in time to make it!

It was time for a break! And then a little food!And to top it all off... a birthday treat!


Nicki said...

Emily I am SOOO proud of you! You are amazing! Seriously!! I bet you are so relieved. GREAT JOB!

TrinEthan said...

congrats girlie!

Dorlene said...

Emily I am so proud of you. What an accomplishment. Enjoy your achievements and relax for a day or two.

Dannielle said...

Emily, You are SO amazing!!! Congratulations!!!

Velda said...

great memories!!!We love our Emily and are so happy for her!!!

Mike said...

Great job Emily. Wish we could have made it up there. Congratulations.

Cristina said...

Yay for graduating!! Love all your pictures! That one of you and me on friday morning is hair didn't look "hat-hairy" yet!

Mrs. Kingsford said...

Congratulations Emily! What are you up to now? Taking any trips to Moab this summer? I miss seeing you at the football games! Haha...let me know if you are ever playing any volleyball! Miss you guys!

Amanda said...

Congrats Emily!!! No more school! :)