Friday, April 18, 2008


It must be the birthday season in my family. I've only just gotten started, May is always fun and full of birthdays too. This is Raquel and she turned 3 years old today! She is so dang cute! So is her older sister Sierra. Here is a few pictures of them. They live in Arizona but have been visiting us here in Utah for the past week and we've been so excited to have them around, we love seeing them.
This pictures is a little old, but its one of my favorites. They came to visit us when we were living in Telluride.
Raquel with Uncle Nate.

Raquel with Aunt Danielle.

Sierra and Raquel kicking back on the love sac at our place! (This is going to be me as soon as finals are over--soon!)


*Ashley said...

Haha! She's cute! I like that pic. of her and Nate

Jennifer said...

What a bunch of cute Niece's you have...We need a few more boys in the fam to even things out..don't ya think.

Nicki said...

Your niece's are adorable! I loved when I got married and had all Kevin's nieces and nephews to play with. It's so fun!

*Ashley said...


Jenna said...

Happy Birthday Emooo-
I couldnt find any embarresing pictures of you to put on my blog. But I KNOW I have a bunch luckily for you I just couldnt find them.