Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So I searched and searched for a picture of Jennifer holding a homemade sign that mom would make every birthday. It would say something like "I'm 6 years old today". But I couldn't find one. These two pictures were the best I could do to maybe embarrass Jennifer a little just for her birthday! :) The problem is that I'm in them and I look just as goofy! But that’s alright, we had some good times!

Happy birthday Jennifer!


*Ashley said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!! Those pics are SOOO cute!! You guys are adorable!

Nicki said...

Hilarious! I've got some good ones on my page you'll have to check out. I love your smile in that first one!

Jenna said...

Ahhh the good old days! Thats funny I remember those signs your mom always made.

Mandy said...

Hey Emily I just found your blog and at a perfect time! We all love Jen! Your page is cute hope you don't mind me peeking I had to say hi!

Jennifer said...

Thanks EMO's....Hey the first one you're the one that's trying to flash the camera haha...I had a sign all made up for Harlee's birthday, I had the Trist make it, and then I forgot to snap the picture....dang it! Anyway countdown to your birthday 1 week:)

Amanda said...

The pictures are so cute! Happy b-day Jenny!

Anonymous said...

Make me cry why don't you? Great post Emi's

Dorlene said...

Emily - how fun to see the pictures of when you girls were so darned cute :-) thanks for sharing.
Happy Birthday - early - because I will probably forget on the day of :(

Linde said...

I love the hair do's. So glad that you shared..