Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

This morning Nate had to remind me twice that I needed to wear green! After the second reminder he said "those kids will eat you alive if you forget". True, my job is not exactly ideal for those who forget to wear green!

Well I found the only green item that will still fit me- and off to work I went. Nobody said one thing to me about wearing green... so its either a good thing I didn't forget or it just wouldn't have mattered.

But there were some cute outfits, it was fun to see the kids at the school all decked out!! And the lunch... all the food was green! The mayo looked like green frosting!

Well it got me in a festive mood.. so for dinner--- GREEN PANCAKES!! :)


Folks Photography said...

cuuuuuuuuuuute! and helloooo i want belly pictures!!!! we need to chat more emily. seriously. this is ridiculous...

Linde said...

Yummy! We had those too! By the way...Congrats on having a BOY! I am so excited for you two. I loved having a boy first. Hope you are doing good.

Cristina said...

I've totally been in the mood for breakfast for dinner! Green pancakes sounds awesome! And, it's probably a good thing you wore green, I forgot, and decided it was worth going home for lunch to change!

The Rubens said...

Yeah for blogging again! Of course congratulations on the baby boy! You are a very cute pregnant lady! It was fun to you see you guys. As for your St Patrick's Day . . . Green Mayo??? That sounds discussing. But your pancakes look great! Hope they were delicious. We'll talk to you soon.