Friday, July 16, 2010

Life in the NICU

The rest of the story...
After Trace was born and we got to take a peek at him the nurse took him away because she concerned about his breathing, he wasn't keeping his good coloring. Nate went with them when they took him down to the NICU to check things out. I wasn't too concerned, just thought they needed to clear out his lungs and he would be alright but when Nate came back with a worried face I knew that wasn't the case.
Turns out Trace had pneumonia and spent his first week of life in the NICU. This was a bit of a rollercoaster ride. He would look like he was getting better then something else would come up. Not to mention how stressful life in the NICU can be, on baby and parents. We had a strict schedule to follow. We didn't get to hold Trace much either, he was hooked up to so many tubes and monitors. I got to hold him more and more once they finally let me start feeding him. He eventually developed jaundice and had to be put on two sets of bili lights. That cleared up within a few days, the anitbotics they had started giving him was clearing out the infection in his lungs, and slowly they were able to take him off the oxygen. Things continued to get better and better and he even gained some weight! Turns out he was able to go home after he finished his antibiotics with no medication and no oxygen. We are so grateful he was able to pull through this like a champ!

Room #2
Trace's room!
Trace's information board- Trace is the BOSS!
So many tubes! :(

We were so excited when one of the nurses put him in an outfit!
Here is the luxury "hotel stay" I had at the hospital, where I tried to get some homework done!

Trace getting his hearing checked!! He passed his OAEs and Abaer test!
Bath time!

Trace was under strict Dr. orders to get enough calories, so every time before I fed Trace they would weigh him on the scale behind us, then I would feed him and then they would weigh him again to make sure he was getting enough.
Trace holding Daddy's hand (my favorite pictures!)


Jenna said...

Glad you guys are home! I hate the 24 hours they make you spend at the hopsital I cant imagine being there as long as you guys were. I cant tell who he looks like- you need to post some more pictures so I can make my decision. He is sure cute must be the Allred in him.

Folks Photography said...

awwwww i didnt know he had to be in the NICU!!!! i would have been a you being in school? yeah those baby blues were hard're my superhero. congrats on the little guy tho!!! he's adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cristina said...

You are such a cute mommy!! I love that you are updating your blog more now that you have a little one! He is adorable AND I need to pat myself on the back for still remembering what OAEs are! go me :)

Lydia said...

Wow you guys sure have been through a lot. Trace sounds like a trooper! He sure is a cutie! Enjoy the little guy because they grow too quickly!